► tammy ◄

• any pronouns •
• minor •

  • my name is tammy tammerson!

  • any pronouns

  • pansexual pringle not looking to mingle

  • 14, birthday is 3/16

  • favorite colors are fuchsia and lime green

  • 'murican

  • digital artist

  • these are my interests! talk to me about any of em if u like em too i just love to talk to people! underlined = very big large interest!

  • touhou

  • terraria calamity

  • bad piggies/angry birds

  • spongebob

  • object camps

  • fortnite

  • byf u gotta know some of these things!

  • i act jokingly mean sometimes

  • i can be overly familiar with people

  • tell me to stop if one of these makes u uncomfortable!

  • TWITTER: pentarants

  • DISCORD: tammerson
